Bolsonaro versus Governors: How Fact-Checking of PT State Governments Embeds Political Disputes in the Context of the Pandemic




Fact-checking, Pandemic, Political disputes


This article discusses how official fact-check carried out by state governments led by the Partido dos Trabalhadores embed the political disputes between Bolsonaro and governors in the context of the covid-19 pandemic. A Content Analysis (Bardin, 1977) was carried out of the 121 state checks carried out by the governments of Ceará, Piauí and Bahia in the first year of the health crisis, identifying aspects related to the political dispute between the federal and state governments. It was observed that state fact-checking initiatives concentrated most of their production on disseminating the government's version on issues related to the pandemic, and on issues related to conflict axes between the President of the Republic and the heads of state executives. direct reference to political characters. Furthermore, governments implement fact-checking, moving it from the journalistic field to the political field.



How to Cite

Rômulo Almeida da Costa, & da Silva Rebouças, H. (2021). Bolsonaro versus Governors: How Fact-Checking of PT State Governments Embeds Political Disputes in the Context of the Pandemic. Revista Comunicando, 10(2), 54–89.