Media and information literacy as a competency in participatory journalism




Media and Information Literacy, Participatory Journalism, Media Education, Media Literacy


With the growth and consolidation of the internet, the emergence of a more democratic and horizontal communication, with more active participation of the subject, mainly in journalistic contents, was envisaged. However, the reflection of this thinking is not seen in practice, since the individual is less active than one imagined. He manifests more interest in entertainment, than by critical content that favors democratic practices (Borger et al., 2012). To change this scenario, it is believed that the Media and Information Literacy -MIL (Bauer, 2011, Grizzle, 2016, UNESCO, 2016) is a great contribution, promoting the empowerment of the subject so that he knows the communicational system as a whole and may have the tools to participate actively and critically in media content. This article has as main objective to make a bibliographical review of the concepts of Participatory Journalism and Media and Information Literacy, in order to perceive the direct relationship that exists between both, anchored, also inan empirical research. The field research is based on producing clues that allow us to analyze how the interviewees interpret and collaborate with the media contents by framing them, for example, in the levels of Media Literacy described by Bauer and in the concepts of MIL of UNESCO.



How to Cite

Cunha, M. C. . (2019). Media and information literacy as a competency in participatory journalism. Revista Comunicando, 8(1), 36–59.