Accessibility as a critical factor in the access to information by people with cerebral palsy: a reflection from the information and communication paradigms




Acessibility, Information society, Technology revolution, Complexity, Transdisciplinarity


New paradigms and new realities emerge in the human society in current days, characterizing a society that questions its segregation culture, glimpsing new paths towards social inclusion of people with cerebral palsy. This scenario encourages scientific research, contributing to the evolution of available technological resources for accessibility. Thus, Information and Communication Technologies present significant value in a context that, not only information gained a preeminent role, but also, the ways of access to it. The main goal of this article is to analyze, in the light of Technological and Complexity Paradigms, about the access to information by people with cerebral palsy, through Information and Communication Technologies. These technological resources are considered as Assistive Technology, once they promote accessibility for people with cerebral palsy by using user interfaces, which are especially relevant for the proposal reflection in this document.



How to Cite

Oliveira, E. R. de . (2018). Accessibility as a critical factor in the access to information by people with cerebral palsy: a reflection from the information and communication paradigms. Revista Comunicando, 7(1), 15–38.