Online Social Networks: From Interactivity to Social Mobilizations




Social Networks, Interactivity, Social Mobilization, Belonging, Engagement


It seeks to analyze how interactivity via online social networks can generate a sense of belonging and engagement to the point of organizing large social mobilizations. Since these no longer serve only as objects of interactivity, but also become a means used to carry out individual and collective action. Several social mobilizations are being organized via online social networks and invading the public space (virtual and non-virtual). Within this context and through the methodology of bibliographic research, this study seeks to carry out conceptual approximations between online social networks, interactivity and social mobilizations, trying to understand how the processes of belonging and engagement for a mobilizing action occur. In this sense, identifying concepts and analyzing how the interaction develops, in addition to presenting relevant examples.



How to Cite

Scherer, C. (2022). Online Social Networks: From Interactivity to Social Mobilizations. Revista Comunicando, 11(1), e022002.